Waste, spend or invest time

people treat time differently and this reflects in the result they record. for some people, time is to be wasted. they have little or no respect for time; theirs and others'.they squander it and deploy it to unprofitable or unneccessary activities. according to thomas edision, time is the only capital that any human being has which he cannot afford to lose. whatever is wasted doe not give any value. but only fools waste time. the dictionary definition of foolishness is a lack of good sense or judgment. anyone with a good sense will never fritter time away.so only fools waste time.
ordinary people spend time. time is a resource; therefore, it is expected to be invested so that it can generate a return. but when time is spent, it is expended and it can only give monetary reward. those who spend time do not get much from it or out of life.

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,fools waste time,
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''ordinary people
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;spend time but
..................................................great people invest
