how to be tough

  1. 1  
    Pump up your confidence. Toughness and confidence go hand in hand. Being tough comes down to the choices you make about handling any given situation. Having confidence in yourself makes it possible to make the right choice and follow through with it. If you're not sure you're capable of stepping up to a challenge, it's probably because your self-confidence needs a boost.
    • Learn to recognize your true opinions, rather than letting yourself be swayed by what other people think. Trust yourself to know the right way to handle a situation.
    • Don't compare yourself to other people. It's a rabbit hole many of us fall into time and time again, but comparing yourself to others undermines your self-esteem. Next time you're faced with a decision, look inward.
    • Learn to say no. People will respect your opinion more if you actually say what you think. Always look them in the eye when saying no, so they'll know that you're sure.
