Can You Curse What God Has Blessed

Curse is utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone. “CURSE IS THE OPPOSITE OF BLESSING”. In many occasions, people who want to harm their victim or bend another person’s will/destiny to their own can use curses to manipulate the spiritual world to do their treacherous bidding. Curse could be in the form of voodoo, witchcraft, spells, enchantments, incantations, jinx, hexes, invocations, magic, sorcery, wizardry, projections, magic. Curse comes from Satan. Righteous and God-fearing people are always the target of satan and his demonic agents for curse. Satanic people involved in occultism claims they have the power to curse believers.

However, God does not allow His children (believers) to be cursed. The Scripture teaches that no one has the power to curse what God has blessed. The story of Balak and Balaam serves as a perpetual reminder that what God has blessed is blessed and that fact cannot be reversed (NUMBERS 22:5-12). When you curse those that god has blessed, you set the hands of Justice in motion and you may end up cursing yourself (NUMBERS 24:9).

When God has blessed someone, be careful how you go up against that person. When you go against that person, you might be going up against God himself. God’s blessing comes with a price and that is to be obedient, hard work, and sacrifice. God has no respect of persons, what He does for one, He can also do for another who is walking in obedience to His word. Remember, God has to defend and protect His Word and Promises at any cost. It is Who He is. Opposition to God’s promises will always fail.

Satanic high priest like sorcerers, voodoo priest, witch doctors, native doctors etc assigned to curse righteous and God-fearing people should know that they cannot curse what God has blessed. For it is written, “ YEA ARE OF GOD, LITTLE CHILDREN AND HAVE OVERCOME THEM; BECAUSE GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN YOU THAN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD (1 JOHN 4:4). Devilish and wicked personalities should curb their envy and jealousy towards anointed men and women of God before their wicked curses bring their demise…SHALOM!!!

