The Devil Loves Sex Too By Sunday Akanni Moshood

By Sunday Akanni Moshood 

Sex and all of it pleasures remain an astonishing matter to humans. Even an ancient wise king (Solomon, the son of David) couldn't fully comprehend how a full-grown honourable man would allow sexual pleasures strip him of his dignity just to lay with an unpleasant-looking maid (Proverbs 30:19)

The pleasures that stems from sexual-related activities is undoubtedly unique. Either one is engaging in the actual intercourse, or one is gazing at a picture or video of two persons having sex, or one is even playing with his/her sexual organs in a secret place, the fact remains that the pleasures derived from these activities can rarely be obtained from other sources - not even from food and sleep. 

And so, humans loves sex so much - since sex helps achieve something the human flesh craves for: soothing pleasure. 

But we must realize that humans are not the only set of beings that loves sex - but even satan (the evil devil) loves sex too. How can satan - a spiritual being - loves sex? Is the devil also indulging himself in direct sexual intercourse? 

Of course, being a spiritual being, it is impossible that the devil indulge himself in direct sexual intercourse. Then, what makes him loves sex? It is simply because, sex is a big tool that keeps helping the devil achieve his evil aims and intentions, from generation to generation. 

The ALMIGHTY GOD JEHOVAH created Lucifer (who would later become satan, the devil) to be a dynamic archangel in the heavenly realms. The devil used to be a beautiful creature who stands before the Throne of the Living God, created and filled with sonorous musical components, as well as all manner of precious stones. 

He (satan) unfortunately allowed pride to come in, and he was punished severely by God. He was demoted from his position in heaven. And ultimately, it was made known that after a period of time, satan and his cohorts will be damned forever in a lake burning with eternal fire (Revelations 20:10)

How does this concern we humans? As long as this world remains, one universal thruth that won't be changed is the fact that a person will reap what he/she sows. The soul that sins shall die (Ezekiel 18:20). The devil knows that the set time for his ultimate punishment in the lake of fire is almost here, and he's also aware that humans who failed to do God's biddings will partake in the eternal torment. And being an evil creature, the devil keeps working hard to influence humans into committing sin against God. 

How does this concern sex? The devil, aware of how much the human flesh prioritise sexual pleasures, had made sex a sure tool to make humans sin against God. 

The bottomline is this. A human commits a sin when he/she moved contrary to the will of God (and such a person is at risk/danger of perishing in hell if he/she failed to repent) 

Additionally, a human being commits sexual sins if he/she goes contrary to the will of God in regards to sex and sexuality. The will of God for sex is that all form of sexual pleasures should be shared between a married man and his female wife inside their marriage union, with no other party involved.

Satan loves sexual activities that disobeys and are contrary to the will of God for sex. Premarital sex, extra-marital sex, masturbation, pornography acting and viewing, sexting - all makes satan happy. Such illicit sexual activities makes satan excited (he loves them) not because he derives direct bodily pleasure from the acts, but because they help achieve his aim: drawing a lot of humans to hell fire before the end of the ages. Don't forget the Bible says in John 10:10 that the devil comes to "steal, to kill, and to destroy".

Should I tell you the kind of sex satan hates? It is the sex between a married man and his wife inside the safe confines of their marriage institution. 

If you still engage in premarital/extramarital sex, or you still masturbate or view pornography, stop it now! Stop making satan happy with your sexual lifestyle, and stop pushing your soul nearer to the gates of hell. 

Pray to God for forgiveness and approach His Throne through the Name of His Son JESUS CHRIST. 
